Trio bulgarians to attend coaches seminar in Novi Sad
Three bulgarian coaches will attend coaches seminar in Novi Sad. As we all know World championship for Juniors under 19 is taking place in that serbian city.
The coach of Levski Lubomir Minchev together Ivan Kosturkov and Hristo Tsenov will listen lessons from well known specialists like the most succesful european coach in recent years Zeljko Obradovic.
Beside Obradovic lessons will have Aleksandar Djikic, assistant coach of Minnesota Timberwolves, the coach of France (U 19) Richard Billant, of USA Jerry Waynwright, of Australia Martin Clarke, the coach of FMP Vladan Vukoicic and few other serbian coaches.
Lubomir Minchev was the coach of Levski during the last season and helped the team reach final of the Cup of Bulgaria. Ivan Kosturkov played in Portugal and after he finished his career started with coaching job while Hristo Tsenov is young coach in basket academy “Overgas Basket”.